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Saturday, August 13, 2011

Chapter 1 Respiration Part 1

Part Vs Function
Nasal Cavity (Nose): Moist the air before it reaches our lungs. The tiny hair in the nasal cavity traps and filter the dust to clean the air before goes into the lungs.

Throat (pharynx): Collects incoming air from the nasal cavity and passes it downward to the trachea.

Trachea (windpipe): Muscular air tube with cartilaginous rings that cleans the inhaled air before it reaches the lungs. The rings prevent trachea from collapsing.

Lungs: This is the main part of our respiratory system. Human Being has a pair of lungs. Lungs exchange the unwanted gas (carbon dioxide) with the gas that our body wants to use (oxygen).

Bronchi (singular: Bronchus): A tube that directs the inhaled air to the lungs. Each bronchus is a branch from the trachea.

Bronchioles: These are small air tubes branching from the bronchi.

Diaphragm: The strong wall of muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. This muscle can contract or relax.

Intercostal muscles: The muscles fill up the spaces between the adjacent ribs. It moves the ribs during the breathing process.

Ribs: The bones that support and protect the chest cavity. It helps the lungs to expand and contract.

Alveoli (singular: Alveolus): A very small air sacs that is the final destination of the breathe air. The sac is surrounded by blood capillaries.

The diffusion of oxygen from the blood capillaries to the cells
The transport of oxygen by blood

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